Are You Ready to Unlock Your Genius?

Hey you, amazing soul. Have you ever felt like there's something more waiting for you? Did you know that you have unique and remarkable gifts that are designed to make a difference in this world? Are you longing to step into your purpose, let go of expectations, and fully embrace the wholeness of who you are? Tired of being held back by limiting thought loops, old patterns, and fear?

If any of this resonates with you, Human Design Coaching could be a profound support on your journey back home to yourself.

Why is Change SO Hard?

After giving hundreds of Human Design Readings, it became clear to me that a missing piece of the Human Design system is providing support for people through the deconditioning process. Old stories die hard. Our conditioned patterns, behaviors, stories, and narratives have been our strategies for survival for our entire lives.

We develop these mechanisms for good reasons: for many of us, they helped us survive our upbringings, they gave us a sense of belonging in our family systems, and sometimes they even legitimately kept us alive (or felt that way). It is natural and human that we hold onto our patterns and beliefs, even if they make us miserable. Our brains are wired for sameness, consistency, and familiarity. That means, change is difficult.

Human Design provides a powerful tool for deconditioning (by following your unique strategy and authority), but we rarely acknowledge the courage required to even begin this process. If we tune into our intuition, what risky, unknown place might it lead us? If we recognize what no longer aligns authentically with us, what aspects of our lives might start to unravel? This awakening can stir up a mix of emotions and thoughts that challenge our previous perceptions and beliefs, prompting us to reevaluate our understanding of the world around us. What is even real? Who are we if not defined by everything we’ve been taught? Many of us have strongly identified with the thoughts and belief systems we've been fed.

Engaging in this deconditioning process can leave us feeling like foreigners in a new land. We may feel disoriented and confused. It takes time to adapt, embrace, and integrate a new way of thinking, feeling, and being. We might mourn the loss of our former sense of self and the solidity of our previous identity.

This is why it became a natural evolution in my work to support individuals through this process. Many of my clients returned seeking guidance and assistance in navigating the integration of their Human Design charts and applying the tools in their lives, reconnecting to their authentic essence, moving through fears, deepening trust with their intuition or human design authority, and delving deep into their purpose.

I am a certified life and transformation coach with specialization in human design integration. 

We choose to believe the same stories that keep us stuck because the sameness feels less scary than the uncertainty of a new way.

What is Conditioning?

Conditioning is the process by which our mind becomes programmed with a set of beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that dictate our thoughts and actions. It happens through repeated exposure to certain ideas, societal norms, and cultural influences. Therefore, conditioning shapes who we are and how we perceive the world around us. It can be both beneficial, as it helps us navigate through life with familiar frameworks, and limiting, as it restricts us from exploring new possibilities and challenging the status quo. The journey of breaking free from conditioning requires awareness, self-reflection, and a willingness to question the beliefs that have shaped our identity. It takes courage, commitment, and an openness to face the unknown, but the rewards are infinite.

By recognizing and challenging our ingrained conditioning, we can pave the way for personal growth, expanded horizons, and the pursuit of a life that aligns more authentically with our true selves.

What is Possible For You?

Our Human Design charts can illuminate our innate gifts, talents, energy signature, and even guide us to our purpose. There is nothing you need to do to be you. You already have everything you need inside of you. Deconditioning is the process of undoing. As you begin to shed the layers of your conditioning and trust your intuition, your authentic essence begins to naturally express itself. From that place, the possibilities are truly endless.

Find Your Genius: Discover and unleash your unique talents and gifts that have been overshadowed by years of conditioning.

Deep Self-Acceptance: Learn to embrace all of who you are, recognizing your inherent worth and beauty beyond societal expectations.

Embody Your Purpose: Gain clear insight into your life's purpose and the steps needed to align your daily actions with your deepest desires.

Empowered Decision-Making: Cultivate a strong connection with your intuition, making decisions with confidence and trust in your own guidance.

Transformative Personal Growth: Experience profound growth as you shed limiting beliefs and embrace a mindset of abundance and possibility.

Harmonious Relationships: Attract and nurture relationships that respect and honor your authentic self, enriching your life with genuine connections.

Joyful and Purposeful Living: Reclaim your right to joy, creativity, and freedom, crafting a life that fills you with satisfaction and meaning.

We’re a Great Fit If…

  • Cultivating courage, connecting deeply with your purpose, and living authentically are priorities that drive you.

  • You are deeply committed to personal growth, self-discovery, and feel open to to exploring unconventional paths.

  • Vulnerability, depth, and a willingness to challenge limiting beliefs are qualities you embrace on your journey to transformation.

  • You value accountability, are ready to invest in your growth, and are seeking a coaching relationship that challenges and supports you in realizing your fullest potential.

  • You value an honest coaching relationship that offers empathy, compassion, playfulness, and a safe space for exploration.

John, HD Coaching Client

“Our work is showing results!  Thank you again for your patience and support. You are uncommonly perceptive and intelligent and warm and it is hard to fully express how much it means to me to talk with you. Thank you seems inadequate.”

Wendy Chapman, HD Coaching Client

“You have so many wonderful gifts, but the very best one is simply the light you have that’s so shiny bright. I hope you know how powerful it is, how healing…I’m so, so very grateful to have you and your magic in my life.”

Chelsea W, HD Coaching Client

“The experiences from my one-on-one coaching sessions with Jessica have been life changing to say the least. She is so present with me, and her process is different than anything I have ever done. She is so knowledgeable and intuitive, and her kind and supportive nature helped guide me to uncover deeply rooted beliefs within myself and gently walk me through them so I could heal.”


  • Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science that offers a unique blueprint of your authentic nature, helping you understand how you're designed to engage with the world, make decisions, and show up in purpose.

  • I believe that my clients always know what is best for them. If you are not comfortable exploring your Human Design or being coached through that lens, rest assured that we can still work together effectively and achieve amazing results. My coaching will be tailored to your needs, focusing on other methodologies that resonate with you. However, it is worth noting that incorporating Human Design is a powerful tool that brings unique insights and profound depth to my work, and my clients find it deeply affirming and clarifying.

  • My coaching style is dynamic, holistic, and deeply empathetic, designed around the uniqueness of each individual I work with. At the heart of my approach lies a fusion of Human Design, embodiment practices, somatic work, mindset shifts, and actionable strategies, all tailored to facilitate the process of deconditioning and integration.

    Empathy, compassion, warmth, insight, intelligence, and intuition are at the heart of my interactions with clients. These qualities enable me to forge deep connections, creating a safe and nurturing space for exploration, growth, and transformation.

    I'm dedicated to fostering a safe, inclusive, and trauma-informed space for healing, where everyone, regardless of their background, identity, or journey, can feel valued and understood.

  • The number of sessions varies by individual and their goals. Some find transformation in a single session, while others benefit from a longer journey. I usually prefer to work with clients over at least six sessions for deep and lasting results. We can discuss what suits you best during our discovery call.

Book a Discovery Call.

Curious about coaching and want to see if my approach resonates with you? I offer a complimentary 30-minute call to see if we're a good fit. This is a space for you to share your story, ask questions, and get a feel for how Human Design and deconditioning coaching can support your journey.

No strings attached, just a real conversation to explore possibilities.